For example, a customer wants to buy a bottle of Coca-Cola, but this supermarket only has Pepsi Cola, and there is no Coca-Cola. This is impossible; if you push job function email list back, you can know what it means. "Will" can be seen as "motivation to do job function email list something", and the definition of motivation in psychology is: "Motivation is the inner mental process or internal drive that motivates and sustains an individual's activity, guided by a goal."
That is to say, motivation is a psychological process job function email list that stimulates and maintains individual activities, while motivation has a goal, which guides the direction of individual behavior. Psychological "needs" are the basis for motivation. When the need is not met, it will lead people to look for a goal or object that can satisfy the need. Once found, the need job function email list will be transformed into motivation.
Demand is an unbalanced state within job function email list people's bodies, which is manifested in people's steady pursuit of the internal environment or external living job function email list conditions, and becomes the source of activities. Such imbalances include psychological and physical imbalances. Physiological needs such as: food, water, air, sleep. Psychological needs such as love, respect, belonging, etc.