Knowing what the .htaccess file is , where it is located and, above all, understanding what its function is within the ecosystem of a website, will give you a much more complete notion of the complexity of your digital project. But, it will also give you the possibility of accessing a tool that facilitates an endless number of very important functions. And it is that, this file, far from being a "simple" ordinary text file, will allow you to automate the behavior of your Online project against possible attacks, vulnerabilities or, simply, users to whom you decide not to give permission to visit your website. In fact, in the beginning, this file was very useful to me, since it allowed me to edit and redirect all the URLs of this same Blog to a somewhat friendlier version, something that I will tell you more about throughout this article. But first, let me clarify its definition and utilities, let's start! Thematic content menu What is htaccess and what is this file for? Where is the htaccess file located in WordPress? How to edit the .htaccess?
The best tricks to optimize the htaccess file of your WordPress What is htaccess and what is this file for? The " .htaccess " file is the abbreviated form of "HyperText Access" or "hypertext access" in Spanish and it is a text file that allows you to modify guidelines, configuration and behavior of our hosting service. In a very simple way, using an FTP client and a text editor, or the file manager that our hosting provider provides us, we can modify it and implement many strategies in terms of: Security optimization Behavior of our web server Precisely, regarding these factors, we will talk much more in detail in today's article, so I encourage you to continue reading until the end. Where is the htaccess file located in WordPress? The HTACCESS file is usually found in the root folder of the website. For example, in WordPress it is in the “public_html” folder, that is, in the main installation folder. It is there, mainly because all the functions or commands in it directly affect all the root folders of the installation.
Now that you know what htaccess is and where to find it, surely if you didn't know about its existence, you're probably wondering how to edit it. This is a fairly recurring question. And let me tell you that, fortunately, the options to edit this file are not too visible to the WordPress user. And I say "fortunately" because it is a fairly sensitive file, since, in case of incorrect or erroneous manipulation, there may be a 500 error or it may happen that your website stops working completely. For this reason, I only recommend you play it and edit it if you are a specialist in these topics. Otherwise, it's best to find someone who can help you get the functionality phone number database you want to implement. How to edit the .htaccess? With that said, let's move on to revealing some of the different ways to edit this file: » In the cPanel of your hosting If the web hosting service you use has a "cPanel" service for managing the files of your Online project, you can easily find the .htaccess file here. You just have to enter the folders that make it up and look for the one under the name « public_html «. It is inside it and you will recognize it by its classic text file icon. .htaccess file in cPanel In case you want to edit it, depending on the Hosting company you have, they will allow you to open it from the platform itself, edit it there and save the changes.
Although it may also be that they do not allow direct editing, for which you must download it locally, edit it and then re-upload it to the «public_html» folder, overwriting the previous version of the file. » With WordPress plugins In addition to cPanel, you can also install various plugins where you can edit the .htaccess file in your WordPress. In this case, I propose two: 1) SEO Yoast If you already have this plugin installed on your site, you should go directly to « SEO > Tools > File editor «. This is the second option that you will see on the screen, from where, in addition to this file, you can edit what you need from the robots.txt file of your website.